The Solar FloodLight

Integrated Modern Solar LED Flood Lights​

Solar flood light adopts integrated shell design, intelligent light control chip, multiple lighting modes, automatic charging during the day and automatic lighting at night.

LANGY Solar Flood Light List:

Solar Flood Street Light

The Solar flood lights have solar panels charged by photovoltaic energy from the sunlight and preserves energy for later use. They are super-bright with zero running costs. Installation is done anywhere in the reach of the sun at 45-degree angle and professional services are not mandatory as power mains access is not needed. The LED lamp in the solar floodlights consumes less energy and have low-maintenance costs.

Where to Use Solar Floodlights

Anywhere- the outdoor places and the possibilities where you can use them are nearly limitless. The fixtures having a separate solar cell can be used inside if it is possible to stretch the power cord from the solar cell to the exact floodlight fixture. The following are some of the areas where the solar floodlights can be installed for use. 

  • – for street or parking lot as solar street lights
  • – Outside the house for security
  • – At a shed or remote garage for security
  • – At entrance for remote buildings as a night light
  • – Above door stairwells for illumination
  • – To illuminate signs as Solar Sign Lighting
  • – In gardens for illumination of plants
  • – Illumination of garden art object
  • – Indoor motion light for staircases
  • – On a porch as a night light

Common Features of solar floodlights to know

Motion sensor
It is a popular option with LED solar floodlights. They react through a sensor which detects infrared energy. Humans radiate infrared energy of 9-10 micrometers of wavelength which is within the range detectable by the sensors in the LED solar floodlights (8-12 micrometers). Therefore, the lights switch on when they detect motion. Hence, they save more energy. The solar floodlights with motion sensors are ideal solution for use as garage or house front door light, backyard trails and tracks lights and driveway lights. They offer security by catching burglars off-guard. When a criminal attempts to break into your property, the light turns on suddenly, scaring them off. The market provides different LED motion lights with varying on off time and sensitivity. Others are manually set. However, this is a function you can choose to have or not; they do not have to be motion sensor built.

Dusk to dawn sensor
It is recommended that you get floodlights with day and night sensor. When the sun goes down, they turn on removing the need to manually switching them on.
Because there is a voltage sensor build into the light circuit. It reads the voltage produced by the solar panel. At daytime, the panel is producing power and the light is turned off. At night, without power generation by the panel, the flood light is automatically turned on by the circuitry. 

Remote Controls
High-end solar floodlights have a remote control. These allows you to operate them remotely from a distance of up to 16.4 ft. This allows you to activate the light easily and fast from a distance. It switches to 4 working modes as clients want. E.g., power reduction in various periods and without sensor function. The working mode can be changed to suit the preference of the client. They can be mounted on a pole, post or wall where you can control them with the remote. The lights with a remote control are ideal for outdoor areas application such as the landscaping and yards, for lighting trees and shrubs.


Our Latest Solar Street Lights Applications

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